Office excel 2016 for mac
Office excel 2016 for mac

  1. #Office excel 2016 for mac for mac#
  2. #Office excel 2016 for mac mac os#
  3. #Office excel 2016 for mac full#

How anyone thought making programmers jump through all these hoops or click "OK" each time a file had to be deleted was an acceptable implementation is beyond me. I tested that by exiting Excel, reentering and deleting another file. Once given, future file deletes in the directory won't trigger the permission request.

#Office excel 2016 for mac mac os#

The first time the Apple Script executes, Mac OS will ask for permission for Excel to manipulate files in the directory where the file to be deleted is located. The Kill.applescript file must be stored in /Users/your user name/Library/Application Scripts//Kill.applescript Tell application "System Events" to delete alias fileName # implementation of vba kill command on Mac. Here is the Kill.applescript file contents: on Kill(fileName) S = AppleScriptTask("Kill.applescript", "Kill", fname) If Left(Application.OperatingSystem, 3) = "Mac" Then Here is the myKill subroutine: Sub myKill(fname As String) It's worthless without the first three steps. Not sure this step was necessary but I mention it as it's my current configuration.

#Office excel 2016 for mac full#

Granted Excel Full Disk access in System Preferences/Security & Privacy/Privacy. Globally replaced all calls to Kill with myKill in my VBA code.Īdded a new VBA subroutine called myKill (code below)Ĭreated an AppleScript file to actually remove the file (code below) To workaround the issue, I created a wrapper for VBA's Kill function called myKill. My script is supposed to run once every 3 minutes day and night so responding to separate prompts wouldn't cut it. I wanted to delete a file in Excel using VBA's Kill syntax and got the permission prompt when the VBA attempted to execute the command. 'Create an array with file paths for which permissions are neededįilePermissionCandidates = Array("/Users//Desktop/test1.txt", "/Users//Desktop/test2.txt")įileAccessGranted = GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(filePermissionCandidates) 'returns true if access granted, false otherwise Note: Once granted, the permissions are stored with the app and user need not grant permission to the file anymore. False - The user denies permission to the files.True - The user grants permission to the files.fileArray - An array of POSIX file paths.This lets you input an array of file paths and prompt the user for permission to access them.īoolean GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(fileArray) This command lets your app get permission for all the files at one time, thereby avoiding a difficult user experience. This means that macros that access external files cannot run unattended they will require user interaction to approve file access the first time each file is referenced.ĭevelopers should use the GrantAccessToMultipleFiles command (see following section) to avoid this experience.

#Office excel 2016 for mac for mac#

The Office 2016 for Mac apps are sandboxed and hence they lack the required permissions to access external files.Įxisting macro file commands are changed to prompt the user for file access if the app doesn’t already have access to it. Unlike VB Macros in Office for Mac 2011, VB Macros in Office 2016 for Mac do not have access to external files by default.

Office excel 2016 for mac